Plimoth Plantation takes students back in time
Cunniff Elementary third-graders learn firsthand about the Pilgrims and Wampanoags
A Wampanoags woman cooks at Plimoth Plantation on Oct. 28, 2015.
November 26, 2015
On Oct. 28, 2015, the Cunniff Elementary School third-grade classes went to Plimoth Plantation for a field trip.

There are many farm animals living in the Pilgrim village at Plimoth Plantation (Oct. 28, 2015).
Plimoth Plantation is a place where real Native Americans and people who dress up like Pilgrims do things that Pilgrims and Wampanoags used to do in the 1620s.
The people who dressed up like Pilgrims talked in an English accent, and they talked about people who lived in Pilgrim times. They also had real animals. They had goats, a ram, a llama, and even a humongous bull!
The Pilgrims were interesting. They were tending gardens and the inside of their houses in the village. The Pilgrims had their wood-chopping place outside the fence.
One Wampanoag was making a boat out of a tree log. Two others were making cornbread in cornhusks.
Our classes really enjoyed learning more about the history of Plimoth.
(For information on Plimoth Plantation, go to:

A garden in the Pilgrim village at Plimoth Plantation on Oct. 28, 2015.
–Nov. 26, 2015–