Breaking news! Four chicks hatched today at Cunniff Elementary
Two eggs still to hatch in Mrs. Munger’s third-grade classroom
May 15, 2018
The reporters from the Cunniff Kids News visited the chicks in Mrs. Munger’s third-grade classroom in Cunniff Elementary School in Watertown, Mass. There were already four chicks that hatched out of the six eggs. All the four chicks hatched Tuesday, May 15, 2018.
All the chicks are in incubators.

A new chick hatched today in Deborah Munger’s third-grade classroom at Cunniff Elementary School in Watertown, Mass., on May 15, 2018.
The first chick needed Ms. Munger’s help to get out, so she helped get the chick out of its shell. The other three chicks were all in the same incubator and they all got out on their own.
The newest-born chick was still a little wet from being born very recently.
There is a chick that has white and black feathers, its name is Chickpea. Chickpea was named because when the third-graders were thinking about names for the chicks, a fourth-grader came and suggested the name “Chickpea”. The third-graders voted and they chose Chickpea for the chick.
The other chicks will soon be named.
Next to the incubators, there were cracked eggshells from the new chicks. Inside of the shell was a little red.
The students at the Cunniff just can’t wait to see the other two eggs hatch!

New chicks hatched today in Deborah Munger’s third-grade classroom at Cunniff Elementary School in Watertown, Mass., on May 15, 2018.

–May 15, 2018–