Students are buzzing about Spelling Bee on Jan. 29
Watertown students from first through fifth grade can compete; deadline for sign up extended to Jan. 19
The Bee Box (center) is where Watertown students can place their sign-up sheets for the annual Spelling Bee and their artwork for the T-shirt competition. The sign-up deadline is Jan. 16. The Spelling Bee will be held Jan. 29 at Watertown Middle School.
January 12, 2017
Buzz, buzz, buzz …. That sound you are hearing is Watertown getting ready for the Spelling Bee!
The annual townwide event will be Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017, at Watertown Middle School. It will start at 10 a.m.
Any student from first to fifth grade living in Watertown can take part in the Spelling Bee. They can find sign-up sheets and Bee Boxes in the lobby of the three elementary schools.

The Bee Box is where Watertown students can place their sign-up sheets for the annual Spelling Bee and their artwork for the T-shirt competition. The sign-up deadline is Jan. 16. The Spelling Bee will be held Jan. 29 at Watertown Middle School.
The fee for each student is $20. The event is run by the Watertown Education Foundation. According to Amy Donohue of the WEF, the money raised will be given to the school PTOs.
Deadline to sign up has been extended to Jan. 19. Sign-up sheets can also be found at:
The students will be in teams of three. The teams have to be in the same grade.
“I highly encourage you to find to find two teammates before you sign up,” said Donohue.
If a student can’t find teammates, Donohue said the organizers will help each student find a team.
All first-graders will win prizes. The winning teams in second, third, and fourth grade will win trophies. The winning fifth-grade team will get a cash prize.
The spelling words are given to the organizers by Watertown classroom teachers.
“We start easy, and then we go to the back of the book,” said Donohue.
The event lasts all day. A schedule will be emailed so students will know when they are going to compete.
There is also a free contest for students to design this year’s Spelling Bee T-shirt. Students are asked to draw a picture on a sheet of 8.5-by-11 paper, write their name, grade, and school on the back, and put it in the Bee Box.

The Bee Box is where Watertown students can place their sign-up sheets for the annual Spelling Bee and their artwork for the T-shirt competition. The sign-up deadline is Jan. 16. The Spelling Bee will be held Jan. 29 at Watertown Middle School.
“The design should be clear and It should be easily printed on a T-shirt,” said Donohue.
Deadline for T-shirt entries is also Jan. 16. Students can submit as many entries as they want.
The T-shirts will be on sale at the Spelling Bee for $10 each.
Coffee, donuts, pizza, and raffle tickets will also be on sale at the event. Friends and family are encouraged to come and cheer on the spellers!
–Jan. 12, 2017–