Crimmin: It’s sad to say goodbye
Cunniff principal to leave for Weston; interim to be announced soon

Cunniff Kids News reporters interview outgoing principal Cynthia Crimmin during a press conference June 12.
June 12, 2012
Principal Cynthia Crimmin announced last week that she is leaving Cunniff Elementary in Watertown to take a job as principal of Woodland Elementary School in Weston. On Tuesday, June 12, she held a press conference with nearly 50 reporters from the Cunniff Kids News to talk about the change. The following is an edited transcript of the press conference:
Cunniff Kids News: Where are you going?
Principal Crimmin: I am going to Weston, which is just across the 128 highway, to another elementary school, but it’s a place where I used to teach for a long, long time. So they asked me if I’d come and help them out.
Cunniff Kids News: Are you going to miss this school?
Principal Crimmin: Oh, very much! Everybody says congratulations, and I just feel sad. Will you remember me? A little bit? That’s good, that’s what I’m looking for.
Cunniff Kids News: Are you staying at the new school?
Principal Crimmin: Yes, I’m staying at the new school for a while, but I’ll come back and visit. Will that be all right? OK, just checking.
Cunniff Kids News: Will you be a principal at the new school?
Principal Crimmin: I will. I’ll be a principal at the new school. It’s a bigger school than this one. There’s more kids.
Cunniff Kids News: When are you going?
Principal Crimmin: I’ll go in July, but there’s not any kids there until the fall, just like here.
Cunniff Kids News: What are your favorite memories?
Principal Crimmin: Oh, what a good question! Oh, I remember lots of things. I remember going down to the wing when I feel sad and everybody smiles at me. Do you remember the book I read about smiling? I remember … watching your projects. I love to watch your projects. I love to go into the classrooms and see what you are doing. I like the Halloween party, I remember that. Oh, there’s so many I could keep going and going and going.
Cunniff Kids News: Are you going to go with someone [i.e. other teachers]?
Principal Crimmin: I’m going by myself.
Cunniff Kids News: Why are you going?
Principal Crimmin: I’m going there because they need me. Because they came to me and they said, “Can you come help us?” And I thought, “Oh, I would love to help you out.” And you guys are in such good shape, right? This is a pretty good school, don’t you think?
Cunniff Kids News: Will you remember
all of us?
Principal Crimmin: I’ll remember every one of you. Always. Once your my kid, you’re always my kid. I know al
l the kids that I’ve had all the years I’ve taught. In fact, do you want to know a secret? My son, he’s grown up now and he’s going to get married in August, he’s marrying one of my students. She was one of my students 10 years ago and he’s going to marry her, so just think what can happen. You don’t even know what can happen?
Cunniff Kids News: Do you know who is going to be the new principal?
Principal Crimmin: No I don’t. What they do when somebody leaves like this is they put in what they call an interim. So somebody who knows you, I’m sure, and knows the Cunniff, will be the principal for one year and then they will do a search and look for somebody that everybody can agree on. I think that’s probably what they will do.
Cunniff Kids News: Are you ever going to come back to this school [to work]?
Principal Crimmin: Well, you just never know, do you? Because when I left Weston I didn’t think I’d be going back there, so you just never know.
Cunniff Kids News: Are you moving, too?
Principal Crimmin: No, I’m going to stay in the same house, but [the new school] is a little bit closer to my house.
Cunniff Kids News: Do you know who’s going to be our new principal?
Principal Crimmin: I do not know who your new principal will be. But do you know who is going to be here? The teachers, and they’re the important part, don’t you think?
Cunniff Kids News: Can I come help you at the other school?
Principal Crimmin: You know what, I would imagine that some day you could grow up and be a teacher, and that just might happen.
Cunniff Kids News: Will you be sad when you leave?
Principal Crimmin: Very sad. I feel very sad already just looking at your faces. I know all of them and I’m going to feel very sad. I already feel very sad.
Cunniff Kids News: When are you leaving?
Principal Crimmin: Not till after you guys all go home for the summer. I’ll still be here for a few days after school, a couple of weeks. So you can come over and see me. You can come and wave at me in that front window.
Cunniff Kids News: How long are you going to go there for?
Principal Crimmin: You just never know how long. I don’t know. As long as I’m needed. Isn’t that how Nanny McPhee worked it out?
Cunniff Kids News: If the Cunniff needs you again, will you come back?
Principal Crimmin: Do you think the Cunniff will need me again? [The students respond “Yes!”] You don’t need me. All is good.
— June 12, 2012–