Sign up for the 2019 Town Wide Yard Sale!
April 11, 2019
Do you have some stuff in the back of your closet that you want to get rid of? If so, then you should sign up to take part in Watertown’s annual Town Wide Yard Sale.
This year, the Town Wide Yard Sale will be held Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5.
Jeff Bodner has the event for two years. He is the coordinator of adult and children’s programming for Watertown Community Education.
“We run the Town Wide Yard Sale to help the community and help people get rid of stuff they no longer want,” he said.
To sell items, people need to sign up by April 26. It costs $10 to join the list. An online map will show all of the houses in Watertown that are participating and a list of some of the items on sale. Jeff said 63 houses participated last year.

Jeff Bodner from Watertown Community Education answers questions from Cunniff Kids News reporters about the 2019 Town Wide Yard Sale during his visit to the CKN newsroom April 10.
According to Jeff, last year had bad weather, so this year the Town Wide Yard Sale will be held over two days so people can choose one day or both. There is no rain date.
Some of the items for sale in the past have been cribs, baby clothes, toys, furniture, and even an antique car!
Remember to sign up because your trash could be someone’s else’s treasure!
(For more information or to sign up, contact Jeff Bodner by phone at 617-926-7764 or by email at [email protected].)
–April 10, 2019–